
Disney Villainous - Wicked to the core

Take on the role of a Disney villain and strive to achieve your own devious objective. Discover your unique abilities while dealing with twists of fate to your opponents. Play as Hades, Dr. Facilier or the Evil Queen in this wicked expansion pack. Who will triumph in this epic contest of sinister power? This game expansion pack is a stand alone but can also be used in conjucntion with Disney Villainous or mixed with other expansions.
Het goedkoopste thuisbezorgd in België voor € 26,99
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€ 26,99
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Hoogste prijs ooit€ 64,30
Prijs is 23% onder de standaard verkoopprijs, een korting van € 8,00!
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Speelgoed Prijsontwikkeling

Huidige prijs sinds January 14th 2025
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Titel van set

Ravensburger Disney Villainous Exp. 1 Wicked to the core

Gemonitord sinds
February 2023

Reacties van gebruikers over Ravensburger Disney Villainous Exp. 1 Wicked to the core

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